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  • CAFR1 NATIONAL email list

    The CAFR1 NATIONAL POSTS spotlight government wealth and how the World market-place and what use to be your wealth was taken over by our own government. Where as of this point in our lives government wealth now makes the entire wealth of the private sector look insignificant in comparison. It is time for a little corrective action of this minor problem effecting "We The People".

    So, with government expanding each and every day for the last 90-years, what percentage of the wealth did government take over: "Government Wealth vs. Private Sector Wealth"

    And as we all have now found out over the course of the last seventy years, the following quote was given it's complete definition: TREASON: "Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason." Sir John Harrington, 1561-1612

    CAFR1 NATIONAL list Posts range from one to two posts per month.

  • was launched for National Headquarters creation. November 2nd 2008

    Any local government can be restructured to meet their annual budget needs "Without" taxes utilizing the Fiduciary Trust application. TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) paying for every City, County, State's annual budgetary needs from the TRUST FUND.!

    When implemented we are not talking tax reduction, but tax elimination. Yes, that is right all taxation eliminated! Government has already established this will work as shown by the management of their own multi-trillion dollar (16.5 trillion dollars as of 2018, collective pension funds that generate collectively over two-trillion-dollars per year (they did this for themselves).

    The TRF is set up the same way but from the return generated, to meet local government annual budgets. The "People's Tax retirement fund". Designed to "retire" Taxation.
    GOVERNMENT created their own fiduciary trust funds to benefit themselves. The TRFA WILL DO THE SME creating TRFA funds to directly benefit the population. Government already did it for themselves. It is long past due for this to be done for the people..

    Subscribe to this list to get posts on progress relevant to the TRFA (Tax Retirement Fund Association) as would apply to your local venue, City, County, and State. NOTE: State Universities can be operated under the same principle also. (Tuition's cut in half or lower would be a pretty good perk to our children don't you think!)

    TRFA Status: National Home Office underway since 2015. Twelve million dollars is being raised to complete the TRFA National Home Office project with a private offering by the TRFA of four- three million dollar units. Want to invest and help make this happen by owning a unit with an 8.5% annual return? If yes (required to be in a position to do so at this time), then call Walter Burien at 1(928) 458-5854 for details.
  • WJB - Market Rants

    Walter Burien was a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) from 1978 to 1992, and has traded the Commodity Futures Market for over thirty years. Mr. Burien has a unique perspective on what makes the markets move and where they are going (US30 BONDS; Silver; DOW; Grains; US Dollar Index; etc.)

    Market Rants posts may be once per month or could be two a day depending upon the priority of what is happening. In any case what WJB sees coming down the road, he will try to pass it on to you.

    (For your Discretionary Information purposes only)

    To get the Market Rants posts subscribe to this list.

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